Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I did this because I want a new Operating System for my "super computer" (well for the next 3 months its a super computer anyway LOL)

These days computers now have more power then ever, they are capable of doing so much more and doing it faster then ever before, but the current operating systems XP/Vista do not exploit this power but either bog it down (Vista) or just don't make use of the new technology (XP). I just want my high end stuff to do all it can do and for all the computer users in the world to get there moneys worth. I am tired of spending money and then spending my free game playing time on fixing Operating System problems or rebooting after a crash. It just seems like they don't want to talk about that, like why no one wants to buy a car that runs on gasoline (we are afraid of $4 gallon gas, (when we know deep down inside that our cars can run on Hydrogen or electricity) We have learned from the past and we want to know if we are going to get something better.
Now--->You have a choice you can read this entire review or just go with the next line and be satisfied with a straight forward, direct to the point review:

Windows 7 is just Vista with a name change!

To me this is really all you need to know, and here is my direct advice to you:
if you like Vista, then just keep it, if you don't like Vista but think Windows 7 would be better, don't get your hopes up! Save what hours of life you have and keep on using XP, XP is still the raining champion in reliability and stability to spite what The MAC guys on TV say "how Mac is better" the truth is (most of the world is a PC for reason) And if it wasn't for I-pods, Mac couldn't afford to do any commercials anyway. I will write that blog latter on!

An Operating System I found that I do like:
Well if you can get it and you have a PC that’s supports it then get XP 64 bit, I fully support XP 64, its stable, smooth, quick and well it really is reliable to insure you are productive. It makes use of the high end components of new computers. But well Microsoft took it off the shelves, my copy was a evaluation copy and I was only able to use it for so long. The time I had it I really really liked it. I could probably buy it on E-bay, but I keep hoping the NEXT BIG OS from Microsoft will be better!

Do you want to read the full "hard core review"? Then by all means start reading;

Ok I managed to get my hands on a Beta copy of Windows 7 64Bit version (this 64 bit version to me is were the real upgrade begins, a 64bit Operating System is what our new computers can do now and in the future, the 32 bit version of W7 may work fine, but the truth is 32 bit Operating Systems are old limited technology) Now this W7 is billed as the "latest and greatest Operating System (OS) from Microsoft, yes I have placed much consideration to this being a beta copy, and trust me I have sent Microsoft all the bug reports I can to let them know what needs to be fixed.

But the beta testing and the fixable bugs are not what I base my review on. I go into simpler things, stuff that the average person, or employee at a large company thinking about upgrading there operating system needs, wants, and actually can use, I then also figure the justification of the expense involved in upgrading.

Expense in upgrading, well there you go, if anything else this should be the number one reason to consider spending 100 or more dollars on buying a new version of windows, the time it takes to install it, transfer your files, then work out the bugs and glitches of programs that are not compatible, or discovering your hardware isn't compatible, or the big daddy issue of them all:

That nothing is really different but the paint job!

Yep that's what I said, and what I ask you; is a pretty desktop or see through window borders really worth it all? If the rest of the OS is still slow, still running on the same “file system (NTFS “experts understand this”) Or mainly if what you have now is working for you?
What I have now works for me, I have already been through the problem fixing stage and if I am going to go through another "problem fixing stage" with a new Operating System it had better be worth it! I know my computer can do so much more, if new O.S. doesn't make use of that extra power then I will just keep what I'm using now.

OMG I will try to hold back going over the learning curve involved in finding where the same old software and files are now located, or arranged, yes nothing is different, but moved around and you get a flashy new Icon! To bad this isn't a review on Office 2007!

So now I will get off the tangent and get back to the Windows 7 review Sorry about that little rant, Microsoft tends to get me worked up sometimes.

Windows 7 Pros, things I liked.

1. I did like the new way of being able shake your open windows and clear the desktop and the neat way to arrange your open windows on the desktop, you see now you can click on the task bar and select arrange side by side, and wow now the windows auto fit on the screen side by side, this help in transferring filed form one folder the next big time. (I seen this on a W7 PROMO video on Microsoft’s website) I then thought to see if XP 32 bit did this ( I never really thought to look, and to my surprise it does so no big deal here!)

2. I like the new way, open windows are listed on the task bar, Icons are used and condense into smaller easier to read squares.

3. The install was fast, Boot time is faster, but we all know as soon as we install Anti virus software, games, and we surf the internet that start up programs will begin to mount up and trash those good boot times! I found MSCONFIG was still available and I used it to see if made a difference and it work much the same as XP and Vista. I was hoping by now Microsoft would have addressed the problem of mounting "start up junk" with a more direct approach for the user. I still hold this as a "pro" because if the operating system boots faster on its own the other "START UP JUNK" can be dealt with by a PC tech, and that stuff is not the fault of the O.S.

4. It does not seem to be as resource hungry as Vista. Task Manager shows about a 20% reduction in memory usage. I know I recorded a Vista Ultimate Resource usage directly after a fresh install and there is a calculable change here.

5. Internet connection, wow now this was no problem, I really did nothing to set up the INTERNET connection when OS was done installing I just clicked on new Internet Explorer 8 "IE8"and boom I was online, but I still had to install all the Flash and Java players ect.....

6.Eye candy, yea Vista and W7 look allot alike, and there is nothing wrong with a sharper looking desktop. No complaints here.

7. Microsoft fixed annoyances that Vista has, like it always warning you when ever you open or close a window or well try to do anything actually, this issue has been dealt with by giving you the user the control to limit how much the OS bothers you. This was probably the single most complaint average users had with Vista, It is good to see Microsoft provided this option easier for the common user to use.

Now with that noted I will get on with the cons.

1. High end games locked up every time, Crysis for example plays fine on XP but no matter how much I tried I could not get it working in W7. Unreal Tournament 3 crashed too but I installed a "Vista" NVIDIA driver for my video card and a sound card driver (event though W7 said I had the best one available) and UT3 played ok. More on this later! DX10 is perhaps the only reason for a gamer to upgrade there O.S., but already the gaming community has realized there "Frame rates" are still better with XP then Vista. Using W7 I was only able to get Unreal Tournament 3 to play without issue and I seen no definitive difference in game play from W7, Vista, or XP.

2. Text sizing, well this needs work, it gives you and easy to access way to increase text size, but well it also increasing everything not just the text, this I hope is bug and hopefully will be fixed before release. Pretty the same stuff as XP is included (MMM g why not just save a few bucks and keep on using XP?)

3. The gadgets (I am sure this is bug) I kind of actually liked the gadgets, One of the few things I liked about vista actually, but W7 they just quit showing up on the desktop, and I tried to troubleshoot the problem but its a fresh install of the OS there really wasn't much to go with when figuring out what was wrong.

4. Like I said before, getting on line was no work at all, but well when it came time to watch a U-Tube video the 64 bit browser wasn't compatible with Flash player or vice versa, and the 32 bit version of IE8 acted like it was the 64 bit version and it would not play the video either. I hope this bug gets fixed. I then installed Firefox web browser, and it played the U Tube video just fine.

5. I could not get over how much it reminded me of XP64 bit, except that all my stuff worked with XP64 without any time tasking problems. I mean that Windows 7 64, has the separate folders to divide 32 bit programs and 64 programs, ok no big deal, if only the 64 bit programs worked. I have Crysis 64 bit (crashed hard) I have some 64 bit Linix based software (crashed).

We have 64bit computers these days people, its time we start using the power! This goes for all software companies not just Microsoft! The real step forward is to go with 64bit, and on to 128 bit ect...

6. Device manager, its located in different place, but its is the same old device manager, I had hoped it would have been vamped up to provide a tech more info about the parts in the computer. I found pretty much all the same old semi-helpful stuff, a few changes for IT guys, but this review is for regular everyday users who will probably never use the IT tools. I think a more specific driver data base would be helpful (issue with my sound card would have been solved more quickly had this not told me "you already have the best driver for this device" Well I didn't and this was 15 minutes of life I will never get back.

7. The scoring system, well this really didn't take off in Vista, and its still here in W7. But now your computer gets the score based on the weakest component. In vista My pc Gets a 6.1. But W7 rates my computer a woping 2.9, because of my SATA hard drive. Never mind the rest of my computer 4 gigs ram 9450 quad core CPU, 9800gx2 vid card, now if I was regular computer user, I would not buy software rated over a 2.9 even though a Hard Drive is not a significant reason not to.